To get the kind of traffic that will make you good money on the Internet you need Google to index your website fast, then you can start working your way to the first page of your keyword were you will get unstoppable traffic, hence $$$.
To understand how to get Google to index your website fast, you need to first understand how Google actually indexes sites.Google "bot"(spiders) is a piece of software from a search engine that is built to go through every page of your site.
Google has three well known bots: " The Adsense bot", " the Fresh-bot " and " the Deep-Crawl " .But since you are trying to understand how to get Google to index your site we shall be dealing only with Deep-Crawl and the Fresh-bot.
Google spiders or bot crawls the Internet looking for new things all the time. Basically, they discover new sites via links that are pointing out to those sites.
Lets assume you have a newly created site, and you happen to go to a popular forum and place the link of your new site in your signature.Google sends out the Fresh-bot,the main job of this spider is to crawl the most popular pages on a website.When the fresh-bot crawl the forum this is what happens.It will start from the top left of that forum and start gathering information, new content for example, as it moves down.
As this spider moves down the page, each time it comes across a link it kind of bookmarks the link with "in queue" which simply means it will visit that link as soon as it finishes crawling that page.
When it finishes crawling that page, the fresh-bot goes back and start visiting the links it book marked.So your new site is eventually found by Google.The same process takes place again in your site.
The Deep-Crawl bot usually visits sites once a month,When this occurs it goes over all the database and links found by the Fresh-bot. This is the reason why it can take up to a month or more for Google to index your website entirely.
Now you should also understand that some pages get crawled more often than others.This is due to the different activities taking place in the different pages.When a site is constantly updating its content, it is more likely to be crawled more often too, hence easier to index your website.
With this in mind if you want Google to index your website fast,placing the link of your site to those other sites that have much activities will definitely do it.
Some example of such sites with heavy activities include;
Article directories;
This will help Google to index your website fast simply because there are many activities or changes going on in article directories.
RSS directories;
Your sites feed can be picked up and placed in another site hence many sites with different activities linking to yours.
Social sites;
Just like the article directory, your site is listed in different sites with much activities going on.
So to get Google to index your website fast isn't that hard. All you need to know is to understand how Google indexes websites and go where Google is most likely to be indexing sites.
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